Thursday, September 6, 2012

Edmond's Pier Slideshow

We took a walk on the pier and around the beach after breakfast one Saturday morning. Coco does really great when we take her with us. She doesn't bark at other dogs or bother anybody or try to run away. She just likes to look at stuff and smell the air.

Zoe is actually much more of a headache. It's too sunny, it's too much walking, the ice cream shop is closed, there is sand in her shoe, there aren't enough shells on the beach, she really wants her own fishing pole, she can't see the crab I'm pointing at in the water, the jellyfish will sting her, there are no whales.... 

There was a little boy at the end of the pier fishing with his dad. And while the dad was VERY nice to Zoe and answered her 100 questions about what they were doing and was almost willing to let her hold his fishing pole, his little boy wanted Zoe to stop bothering them. So we had to pull her away from them and make Pete promise to take her fishing sometime soon. I'm not sure what part of fishing she is excited about, or what she would do if we actually caught something.

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