Tuesday, September 20, 2011

scan this

So last night we are trying to go to bed and Zoe is busy drawing something. She has gotten a piece of paper and her stamps and makes this:

Pete is on the computer and Zoe asks him to move out of the way and he leans forward a bit and she says "that's not good enough!" which is funny by itself but then she puts her drawing on top of the printer and says that she needs to scan it. And I ask her how she knows what that is but she doesn't say. And we are just staring at her because it's weird. And she tells Pete to scan her drawing like she's late for a meeting or something. And he keeps asking "why do you need to scan it?" and I suggest that they make a copy of the drawing, because I think that's what she wants - to see it print out. So they make a copy and she is so excited. "I made a copy! Look, I have two drawings!" And then she wants to make more drawings and more copies and we have to make her mad and tell her that we can't do any more copies until tomorrow.


Zoe said that this is a dog with llama's feet.

A flower from school

A butterfly from school

She is writing the letters in her name now.

Monday, September 19, 2011

remember when

I don't have any new photos today, so here's an old post that made me smile.


Friday, September 16, 2011


I mailed out some photos today.
This is a big slideshow, so if you are having trouble viewing it here, try here instead:


Thursday, September 8, 2011

I ordered some prints of some of these beach photos that I will be mailing to you soon.

Beach & Berries Slideshow

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

blueberry picking

I have waited all summer, watching the Bybee-Nims website to see when their blueberries were going to be ripe. They just have had too much sun & chilly weather, but for the last 2 weeks it has been warm and sunny finally. Jen asked if we wanted to come out to North Bend - they just bought a house there a few weeks ago - and pick blueberries. Of course! So we all drove out on Labor Day. The weather was lovely and North Bend is equally lovely. It's exactly 45 minutes away. And while that seems like a long time to spend in the car, it took me 90 minutes to meet Constance downtown last Thursday night. And I drove about 14 miles total. 

Zoe & Rowan are finally at an age where they can be friends - instead of just in the same room. They played in the blueberry bushes for awhile until the heat & boredom were simply too much. We retreated to Scott's Dairy Freeze [been there for 60 years!] for some ice cream and cold beverages. The kid's played in the park for awhile after and we got to see Jen & Mike's awesome new home. Hopefully we will get to visit often. Well, we do have plans to can some blueberries together this weekend - so that's great!

I have a lot of great photos from this day - and from the beach - I will try to upload them to a slideshow soon.


blueberry picking!

There's sand on my toes!

Afternoon at the Beach