Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've been waiting to post the news until we got a video, but it hasn't happened... Zoe took her first real steps last Friday! Pete came home from work early (well, earlier than usual) and I held Zoe's hands and walked her toward the front door to see him. She kind of stopped and just stood there so I let her go. Pete knelt down and she took the 5 steps over to see him. It was really wonderful! That evening she walked a little bit a few more times. Now she stands on her own fairly often and practices her steps whenever she is brave enough. Hopefully I will get a video of her soon.
Speaking of video, I added the list of "labels" for my blog posts on the left. So if you want to see all of the videos, just click the link and they will all come up. If I have any other kinds of repeat postings I'll start labeling them, too.

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